23 March was one of the saddest day.
- Today , 23rd March 2015 was one the most saddest day to Singapore as Today we lost one of our founding father of Singapore in the earlier morning at 03.18am. Our founding father of singapore Mr lee kuan yew was declared dead at Singapore general hospital in the earlier morning by his doctor. It was suppose to be a great morning for me but was one the most saddest morning as i woke up early in the morning to the most saddest new's that Mr Lee passed on in the morning. Mr Lee passed away peacefully at the Singapore General Hospital today at 3.18am. He was 91," said the Prime Minister Office of Singapore . Just a Background on Mr Lee : who was born in 1923, formed the People’s Action Party in 1954, then became Prime Minister in 1959. He then led the nation through a merger with the Federation of Malaysia in 1963, as well as into Independence in 1965. Such a great leader of Singapore but he works will always still be with us and in our thoughts. Singapore has made plan's for his funeral and 23rd till 29th march was be a half-masked flag in respect to Mr Lee.
Today , was suppose to be my birthday but i won't be celebrating my birthday as respect to him. Birthday celebration is just one of it which can be celebrate anytime but losing a great man like Mr Lee Kuan Yew would be a painful lost to many Singaporean as he built the future and Singapore itself. Without him then will not be Singapore. Do pay your respect at the Parliament House from Wednesday to Saturday, for the public to pay their respects. Those who wish to pay their last respects at Parliament House can do so from 10am to 8pm daily from Wednesday to Saturday.A State Funeral Service will be held at 2pm on Sunday at the University Cultural Centre, National University of Singapore. He be a great inspiration to me to work harder and build a better future within myself first then build the rest with people around us. Thanks for Reading.
- Email me at yicong1@live.com
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